5 Steps to Become Real Estate Agent in Singapore

RES in SingaporeThe journey to become RES Agent in Singapore requires crossing many steps. Here we have briefly talked about all the steps systematically so that you can successfully reach to the final stage and settle in your real estate business.

The 5 steps leading to Professional RES in Singapore:

1. Get the required real estate education:
For becoming Res in Singapore, one of the preliminary requirements is to get educated. Look up for list of CEA Approved RES Course Provider in Singapore and get training for RES course. Doing this course is important to clear the RES exam and get eligible to work as real estate agent in the country.

2. Selecting & Working with brokerage:
To get the practical knowledge of the industry, you would need to work with the brokerage or agency. Here you would get the experience of handling real estate dealings and tackling difficult situations during work.

Here, it is important to select the company wisely. For that, here are few questions that you can ask from the company at the time of interview to decide whether the company is good for you or not:

Some of such questions include:
• Whom would you work at most of the times for your learning period?
• What is the style of contacting clients for generating leads?
• Does brokerage require additional coursework?
• The experience of the company

You finally have to decide whether the answers given by the brokerage are acceptable by you or not and whether you should connect with it or not.

3. Getting the license:
For starting the real estate business, to have a real estate license is must. It is important to give the RES license exam for getting this. Along with this, there will be lots of other legal formalities that you have to complete.

4. Working on business budget:
The next step involved creating the business budget. Budget is a very Res Coursecrucial aspect and you would need to work upon this carefully. Make specific sections like licensing courses, business cards, signs and advertising & association fees and set aside the budget.

5. Make your client portfolio:
Clients are very important for real estate business. Before you get into the industry, you should be thoroughly prepared with the well worked upon client list.



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