Real estate job opportunities in Singapore

Iflicense course real estate you want to enjoy a wonderful future, you should always make a wise selection related to your career. If you choose a domain which looks good today and might falter at a later point of time, it might cause adverse effects to your life. You should consider the future prospects of a domain and try to analyze various factors related to the survival of the business segment to make a wise selection. The real estate industry in Singapore is a safe bet when it comes to your career. The industry offers plenty of job opportunities today and as long as people in the country require houses and other buildings to meet their various needs, the industry will also stay strong. Here are some of the major jobs that are available in this industry in Singapore.


Working as a realtor is a great way of making money in Singapore. You need to have a good office in order to start your business deeds in the country. You would also have to invest a good amount of money for the initial expenses. You can start a real estate agency and start dealing with different clients in the country. There would be many people who would want to buy apartments and villas to settle down in the country. Since many of the professionals who visit the country to serve their business needs, choose to stay back in the country they would require houses and plots to live. Working as a realtor is a promising job because the prices of properties would go up often. You should identify the properties that are up for sale at attractive rates and purchase it. This can include plots that are ideal for office plots, homes, apartments and villas in different parts of the country. You can hire executives to take care of your business needs. When you hire fresh candidates who have completed the real estate sales training, you will be able to deal with plenty of property deals easily.


If you do not have sufficient money to invest on properties in the country, you can still earn a sound monthly income from the domain. You need to complete the real estate licence course in order to start with the job. There are many institutes in the country that provide quality training to help you attain this goal. You will have to deal with the property deals assigned to you by the agency for which you work and this will made easy when you complete the license course real estate. When you close the deals, you will be able to earn extra perks. The real estate agency will provide you a good monthly income too for the overall works that you perform. Hence, in total you will be able to earn a sound monthly income steadily. The job stability is one of the most important advantages that you get to enjoy. Since the demand for properties will be on the rise in the coming future, you will be able to keep earning money if you are true to your deeds.

Key differences between a certified real estate agent and a normal agent

course in real estateWorking in the real estate industry in Singapore is really interesting. Compared to the other jobs where you restrained to work inside a cubicle staring at a computer screen all day long, the job of a real estate agent is more challenging and exciting. There are two types of salespersons in Singapore real estate industry. The first type is the certified agents who hold a valid license and the other normal agents. What are the key diversities between the two? Let us take a look at the key factors.

Industry knowledge

A certified real estate agent in the country will have immense industry knowledge. The exposure and knowhow related to the real estate industry for the certified professionals would be much better than that of the normal agents. A person who undergoes the RES course in the country will be provided with tutorial sessions by highly skilled professionals who would talk about the real time experiences in order to impart better knowledge to the candidates. The normal agents however do not have all this knowledge and would only have information that they learn from the surroundings on their own. This might not always be accurate.

Knowledge about rules and regulations

A certified agent who has completed the real estate course from a CEA approved institute will have great knowledge about the real estate rules and regulations existing in the country. The course syllabus deals with the real estate laws prevailing in the country and any changes that are made to existing laws would also be taught during the training period. The normal agents do not have access to all this information. In order to compete a real estate deal, the agent should have sound knowledge about the laws related to the type of property on sale. For different kind of properties, the laws would also be different.


A certified agent would have better exposure in the market compared to a normal agent. In order to work with a real estate agency in the country as a salesperson the course in real estate approved by the CEA is to be mandatorily completed and the exam should be cleared too. Only such agents would be able to work with the real estate companies in the country. Hence, these agents would have better exposure in the domain compared to the normal agents.

Closing deals

The certified salespersons would be able to close a deal easily because they would be well aware of the clauses and regulations related to the property they deal with each time. They are well trained to provide great assistance to the clients as per their requirements. The normal agents would have to seek professional aid in order to close the deals. The licensed agents would be able to gain access to the authorities with much more ease because they would be generally representing an established real estate agency. The normal agents will have to complete all the transactions themselves and the clients will also have to bear with the time delays caused.

It is hence better to work as a salesperson in the real estate industry in Singapore after completing the real estate license course.

The rising trend of properties in Singapore and Malaysia

Res CourseThere is great demand for properties in Singapore and Malaysia. The Singapore city attracts a lot of travelers every day and hence there is huge demand for all sorts of properties. The capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur is the major city in the country that is a great real estate market. The trend in the market demands for properties is in both the countries is somewhat similar. Let us compare the property trends in both these countries.

Rental properties

Since Singapore attracts millions of visitors from across the world every year, there is a great demand for rental properties. People visit the country with family most of the time to enjoy a splendid vacation. Families opt for apartments in order to make their stay comfortable in the country. Travelers who visit the country to serve their business needs would choose condos. The rental charges are usually paid by the employers and hence there is huge demand for luxury condos in the country. In order to get a good rental property in Singapore, you can rely on an executive who has completed the Res Course. Malaysia also shows similar trends in the property rental segment. Condos, apartments and villas are in huge demand for rent in the country all through the year.

House properties

Many of the travelers who visit Singapore would have to stay back in order to meet their work requirements. Since the country is friendly to travelers and offers all sorts of facilities, plenty of people choose to stay back I the country for years. Hence, there is a huge property for house properties in the country. Most of the time people look for ready-to-occupy houses available at nominal rates in the country. With the help of a good RES in Singapore, you will be able to identify the best neighborhoods in the country that would make your life comfortable. In Malaysia, there is great demand for flats. Since the land prices are quite high in Kuala Lumpur, most of the people prefer to stay in flats. Hence, the price for flats has gone up in the recent times. There are also plenty of properties available for sale where people can construct houses as per their wish and budget. This trend is seen in Singapore as well.

Office buildings

Singapore and Malaysia are both excellent places to do business. Singapore is one of the most important IT corridors in the world and hence there is huge demand for office buildings in the country. Most of the big companies buy vacant land and construct office buildings using their own designs. The smaller organizations might go for office buildings that are ready for occupancy in the country. Here again the assistance of RES Singapore would be beneficial in identifying the best deals in the segment. In Malaysia too there is demand for office buildings all through the year. The IT industry in the country is in its developing phase and this might invite more companies to the country in the future. Singapore is one of the most prominent countries in the world preferred by business enterprises from all over the world. This has taken the real estate industry of the country to great heights.

Best qualities of a salesman to excel in the sales and marketing field

real estate licence courseThe job industry in Singapore offers plenty of opportunities to aspiring professionals. All sorts of job industries are available in the country. The IT segment and the industrial segment are highly active in the country. However, one of the most sought after jobs in the country is in the sales market. You can earn a big fat salary if you work efficiently as a salesman in the marketing field. Here are some of the qualities that you need to possess in order to enjoy your job and earn positive outcomes.

Communication skills

In order to be successful in the marketing domain, you need to have strong communication skills. If you can speak the local language and English fluently, you will be able to talk to a lot of people without any hiccups. You need to be flawless with your communication in order to close deals. When you market a product or try to sell one to a potential customer, you need to talk about it in a very good manner. If you pause in between due to stutters or stammers, your client might lose interest in you. Hence, try to improve your communication skills before you start searching for a sales job in the country. There is heavy competition in the field and hence strong communication skills are a must in order to survive in the industry.

Negotiation skills

When you work in the sales industry, you will have to negotiate deals with the clients such that your employer is able to gain profits. One of the most prominent sales jobs in the country is in the real estate market. When you work as an RES, you need to polish your negotiation skills in order to enjoy good revenues. When you choose a reputed CEA Approved RES Course Provider, you will be able to improve your negotiation skills. You will have to talk to the clients about the selling price of properties. If they are not ready to spend the asked amount, you will have to try talking to the owners in order to bring down the rates. Hence, you will have to negotiate with both parties in a convincing manner.

Pleasing personality

You need to possess a pleasing personality in order to work as a successful sales agent in the country. You need to be careful about your attire. The first impression that you can crate in the minds of the clients depends on the dress that you wear. If you wear an elegant shirt and trouser along with a good tie, you will be able to win the attention of your clients easily. You should be careful even with the footwear that you choose. A sales and marketing agent should always be well dressed while meeting a client.

Helping mentality

You need to show a helping mentality when you deal with your clients. This will help you in winning more deals. When your clients get to know that you are trying your best to help them, they will be pleased with you. When they are pleased with your services, they will try to close the deal through you. This will help you in enjoying good revenues. When you choose a good RES course provider, you will be taught about all the basic necessities required from a salesperson. This will include the mannerisms that you should show in front of your clients while at work in order to win their praise.

Key points that only the RES course in Singapore can teach you

TRES Course Providerhe job market in Singapore attracts a lot of people from around the world. There are plenty of job opportunities available in the country because of the excellent facilities available. Quite a lot of companies that are global leaders in their respective fields have offices in the island nation because of the amazing facilities and the popularity of the country. People from around the world are ready to travel to this country to meet their work requirements because of the pleasant climate and the attractive lifestyle options. Since the country attracts a lot of global visitors, the real estate market is one of the best job domains in the country. In order to enjoy a strong career in the real estate industry of Singapore, you need to take up the RES course. The course teaches you plenty of things that you can’t find anywhere else.

When you enroll for the course in real estate conducted by the Council for Estate Agencies in the country, you will be taught about the real estate market in detail. You will be taught about all the laws prevailing in the country with regards to buying and selling of properties. There are different kinds of properties in the country, for personal as well as commercial needs. The rule for selling or buying a commercial property, for business needs is different from that of a personal property which is used for residential needs. You need to get approvals from government agencies in order to buy or sell a commercial property and it also requires plenty of documentation works. The course for RES in Singapore teaches you about the different documentation works that are mandatory in order to complete a deal. It also helps you to understand the rules prevailing for buying and selling residential plots and apartments.

Majority of the property deals in the country happens through the real estate agencies. The real estate agencies are highly reliable because of the quality of services provided. The sales agents who work for real estate agencies in the country provide all the required assistance to the clients in buying and selling properties. This is made possible only because of the mandatory requirement stipulated by the government. It is mandatory for a salesperson working in the real estate agency to complete the RES exam. A RES Singapore gets the license to perform the daily duties only after passing the exam conducted by the CEA. The paper consists of two papers which deal with real estate laws and customer service etiquettes. The course also deals with the rules pertaining to lease of properties. Hence, the sales agent gets to learn everything related to the real estate industry in the country and also taught to behave in a professional manner with the clients.

When you consider other job oriented courses, a wide range of things are taken into consideration while providing the lessons. Core details are not taught to the candidates regarding the domains that they would be working on after successful completion of the course. This is where the real estate course stands different. The real estate course in the country provides all the information to the candidates pertaining to the industry and majority of the institutes provide placement assistance too.

Things needed for pursuing license course in real estate in Singapore

real estate sales trainingA real estate career is not a bed of roses; it requires a lot of hard work, dedication and perseverance to gain success in this sector. All real estate agents in Singapore need to possess a valid license to pursue business. Before you start the process to get into the real estate business, you should fulfill three basic criteria mentioned below:

  • You should be over 21 years old
  • You should be a citizen of Singapore, or at least hold a permanent resident status of the island country
  • You should have passed at-least four GCE O-Levels or equivalent

After fulfilling the above mentioned criteria, you are ready to take the next step and pass RES exam (Real Estate Salesperson Exam) and attain the qualification for making a start.

The first and foremost qualification needed by a real estate agent is the RES qualification. Qualifying this exam requires you to undertake a set of lessons under real estate license course before taking up the exam. There are a number of agencies in Singapore providing license course real estate along with real estate sales training.

Working as a real estate agent, you are your own boss; you are not bound to the nine to five schedules or any risk of losing your job, but at the same time it requires you to shape up your skills and handle matters tactfully. This arena has a bright future with unlimited income opportunities. Becoming a real estate agent is a long process, but the end results are quite rewarding; an average realtor earns about $100,000 per annum.

Other necessities include knowing how to drive and having own personal vehicle. You may be required to visit a property site in a tight schedule in order to meet your prospective buyers. It is better to start with a mentor, who can guide you in this field before you can stand up on your own.

Journey towards Becoming a Real Estate Agent in Singapore

real estate courseWith recent boom in the property prices in Singapore, the career of a real estate agent has become quite rewarding. This sector has its own advantages, and you can look forward towards making unlimited income and setting your own working hours. But in order to become successful in this arena, you need to overcome certain challenges and work hard during the initial years of establishing yourself as a real estate agent. Your journey to become a real estate agent starts with the preparation of RES exam. As per new Singapore laws, all new estate agents are required to pursue a real estate course and pass the RES (Real Estate Salesperson) exam in order to get their working license for undertaking property deals. As per present norms –

  • A real estate education is obligatory

If you aspire to become a realtor in this island nation, it is mandatory to appear in the RES exam and pass it. Now in order to enroll for the RES exam, you need to take coaching from a real estate license course provider. This course will teach you all the basics of property dealing and the rules encompassing the property dealing in Singapore. You should know that certificates from only CEA approved RES course providers are valid for enrolling in the RES exam. Thus, you should choose your course provider wisely.

  • Selection of a brokerage firm

A brokerage firm is an office, where real estate agents and brokers work. By working with a brokerage firm, you get hands-on and practical experience to carry out property dealings and learn the intricacies of the property business. It is better to get tagged with a reputed brokerage firm while pursuing your license course real estate. Having a mentor is quite important in this sector.

  • Getting the license

In order to get the real estate salesperson license, you should fulfill all the pre-requisites viz. passing the RES exam and clearing all the legal formalities including a check with respect to criminal background.

  • Preparing your budget

If you are serious enough to have an outright career in real estate, you should do proper planning and all the homework before venturing into the business. You should be prepared to meet all the monetary obligations for license course fees, office set up charges, association fees and also keep aside some money for making some initial investment for starting a deal.

Tips for Choosing the Right Institute for the RES Course in Singapore

RES Course in SingaporeIf you are eyeing at the career of a real estate agent in Singapore, you should complete the professional RES course in the country. The course is mandatory for appearing in the RES exam conducted by the Council for Estate Agencies, Singapore. After passing the exam, you will get your license to work as a real estate agent in the country.

Choose the correct schedule

There are many institutes in Singapore that provide the course in real estate to the aspiring candidates, but you should be careful in selecting the right course provider for your purpose, because course completion from only those institutes that are approved by the CEA are regarded as viable for applying for the RES exam Singapore. Many institutes offer evening and weekend classroom sessions along with regular sessions to cater to the needs of working students. If you already engaged in a job, you can leverage this facility provided by various institutes to pursue your course without any hassle.

 Qualification of the faculty members

Support of the trainers and lecturers is vital to complete the RES Singapore. As such, you should select the course provider that employs highly qualified lecturers. Choose an institute where the majority of trainers have at least ten years of real estate experience. Experienced faculty will be helpful in providing the in depth knowledge of the real estate industry and guide you efficiently towards learning the RES course content. The best institute will hire actual realtors to train you in a professional manner.

Preparatory sessions

Competent course providers will provide additional sessions to clear your doubts before you appear for the RES exam. These special sessions are conducted after the completion of regular classes. During these special preparatory sessions you will be able to raise your doubts and get them cleared with the help of your faculties. Thus, choose the provider that has provision for special preparatory sessions in their schedule.

Make-up sessions

At times, it may happen that owing to one reason or other, you missed a couple of classroom sessions. On rejoining, you had to study new lessons with other candidates in the batch. Thus, it is wise to look for those providers who have provisions for arranging a few make-up sessions to cover up the left over or missed portions of the course. In this way, you will be on a safer side and complete your course without any flaws.

How to Select a Real Estate Agent

Res CourseFor a vast majority of individuals, purchasing a house is the biggest financial investment of their lifetime. As such, it becomes vital to make a serious consideration with respect to selecting the right real estate agent. As far as Singapore is concerned, all new realtors are required to complete a real estate license course before venturing into this field. This has increased the quality of service customers get while buying and selling their properties. However, you should take due care while selecting the real estate agent for your purpose.


As far as reputation goes, not all real estate agents are same. Consider the one that has a reputation of going well with clients and transacting parties. Communication skills are an important aspect of this business, and a lot depends on how your agent speaks and portrays property descriptions while dealing with parties. Stay away from agents who have a reputation of getting pushy, argumentative and unprofessional. The RES course has been made mandatory for all the new agents in Singapore and trains individuals venturing into this field to have a professional approach towards their clients. Your agent should listen to your needs carefully and give them due weight-age while guiding you to a neighborhood to reveal properties that are perfect for you.

Geographical Area of expertise

Your agent should be well aware of all the local rules and regulations prevalent in the area. For example, the property transfer taxes vary from one locality to another; as such your agent should have a profound knowledge about the local custom charges to avoid paying unnecessary charges and penalties later on.

Selecting a Real Estate Agent

The word of mouth usually serves as the best source of information about a particular real estate agent. Just inquire whether your prospective agent has undertaken real estate sales training and know the basic ethics that govern property deals in Singapore. Make it a point to interview more than one agent; this way you will get a choice and also become aware of the prevalent rates encompassing your deal. It would be wise to ask for the credentials regarding qualification and inquire about their past deals before selecting the one for your purpose.

5 important sales skills to excel in the real estate sector

real estate sales trainingThere is cutthroat competition in the real estate industry in Singapore but you can earn good revenues if you play your cards smart. You need to possess excellent sales skills to succeed in this industry. Some of you might have inborn skills for sales and for the others it has to be nurtured by different means. Keeping your minds open to learn new things is the key to success in this industry. Here are few of the most essential skills that you need to possess in order to excel in the real estate segment in Singapore.

Excellent communication and listening skills

Communication is the major part involved in this job. You will have to talk to plenty of people on a daily basis to meet your job requirements. Not all the people you talk to will turn into your customers. The trick is to turn maximum people into your customers. To make this possible, you need to have strong communication and interpersonal skills. You should also be a good listener and understand what your clients tell you without making them to repeat their needs.

Rapport building skills

You need to establish solid relations with plenty of people around you. You should deal with people in a diplomatic manner and build a good rapport with majority of the people you meet. If you understand that a person could turn out to be a prospective client, you should try hard and establish a friendly relation with the person. This will help you in winning more revenues eventually. Pleasant behavior and the skills to tackle different kind of situations are a must in order to make it big as a salesperson in the real estate industry.

Topnotch presentation skills

Your presentation skills must be topnotch. To do this, you should have a strong understanding about the real estate market in the country. The license course real estate will be of great help in understanding about the various laws and regulations related to the real estate industry. When you attend the real estate sales training at a reputed institute, you will be able to gain sound understanding about the different kinds of properties available in the country. The course will also help you to enhance your presentation skills.

Organizational skills

You need to be pretty organized all the time when you work as a salesperson in the real estate industry. There is a lot of money involved in each and every property deal that you will be a part of. Hence, you need to treat your clients with respect. You need to be punctual all the time and meet your clients at the mentioned times without fail. If you are late for a meeting with an important client, you will leave a bad impression for sure which has to be avoided. You should carry all the required details with you whenever you attend a meeting.


You need to be extremely professional when you work as a salesperson in the real estate industry. A hang of it will be provided to you when you attend the real estate licence course. The course will mould you into a professional salesperson who understands his or her daily duties well. You need to deal with your clients in a professional manner by providing all the necessary information related to the properties and completing the documentation works without delays.

When you polish all these skills, you will be able to make it big in the real estate industry with ease and enjoy good returns.